Waterfront Development Site – Under Contract
Sale Price: Call for Price
- Development Site West of City Pier -- In the heart of City of Dunkirk's downtown renaissance
- One of the few New York sheltered harbor areas on Lake Erie's southern shore
- Zoning: C-1 Tourism Commercial District and H-1 Harborfront 1 Overlay District
- Two sites available, can be acquired separately or together (See Dunkirk Marina, 30 Central Ave)
- Included in Dunkirk Strategic Plan to receive proposed $1 million in improvements via NYS Downtown Revitalization (DRI) funding
- Ideal for marina expansion, hotel, or commercial uses for tourist attraction and transient boaters
- 400~ ft. water frontage overlooking Dunkirk Harbor and Lake Erie
- Between Demetri's On-the-Lake Restaurant and City of Dunkirk Memorial Park
- 1.9 acres, SBL #s 79.01-1-25; 79.01-1-26.1; 79.01-1-26.2; 79.01-1-27; 79.01-1-28
Space Details
- Acres: 1.900