Car Wash Portfolio
Sale Price: $2,950,000
- Portfolio of 5 Car Wash Properties for Sale
- Cleveland, Ohio Area Self Serve Facilities
- 2 No-Touch Automatic Car Washes
- 23 Self-Service Car Wash bays
- 29 Self-Service Vacuums
- Vending, Shampoo and Scent Machines
- 2.9 Total Acres
- 3 Year Average of NOI $360,000
- Capitalization Rate 12%
- Offered for sale at $2,950,000
- 13111 Broadway Ave, Garfield Heights, 44125
- 8219 Broadway Ave, Cleveland, 44105
- 9104 Union Ave, Cleveland, 44105
- 15313 Kinsman Rd., Cleveland 44120
- 16436 Miles Ave. Cleveland, 44128
- Car washes can be sold individually